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An Adventure


This started out as a simple idea of writing a short story about a man who is being controlled by others. It grew and evolved to what you’ll read. The story and characters are entirely fictional, but the story was enhanced by the very real and excellent editing of lovesexandmore. Thank you so much.


“Jack, hey Jack! Do you have a second? I’ve got a job for you.”

Mark Thompson was my boss and usually a good one, although we were both aware that I knew our work better than he did. Mark had started a software company after having worked at his father’s construction company while growing up.

After finishing college in computer science, he worked for IBM for 5 years and then decided to start his own company. The adage for writers is to ‘write what you know’ and in software development, it’s equally true. Mark designed a planning and project tracking system for the construction industry.

While Mark had the vision, he wasn’t really technical enough to complete his vision; he needed an experienced systems architect to bring it to life. That was me.

So I found myself a seasoned 55 year old working for a 30 year old and surrounded by 20 somethings who had great ideas and ambitions, but weren’t always as focused as they should be.

IT professionals aren’t really social animals; we’re really only comfortable with our peers, and are frequently dismissive of anyone outside of IT. That doesn’t really translate well into customer service when your customer base is made up of construction guys who consider software something that gets in their way, not something that helps them do their work.

So I frequently find myself having to handle customer issues that are usually not technical problems at all, just communication problems translating IT tech talk into something the construction guys could understand and maybe more importantly, the reverse.

“I really need you to help with the Smithfield project,” Mark said. “The project is way behind schedule and I need you to help put it back on course. Big Jim Smithfield is mad. Mad at his internal IT people, mad at his project team, mad at our project team, and especially mad with me. He asked for you specifically.”

“I need you to fly out there and be available to be my ears, my eyes, and my voice to make Jim happy again. I had to promise Big Jim I’d have you nearby to be ready to just jump in when needed.” Mark explained.

“And I need you there tomorrow,” he completed, making a face as he said it.

“Tomorrow?” I asked incredulously. “The Wednesday before Christmas! I haven’t finished my shopping. I can’t go!”

“You’ve finished your shopping Jack. You told me you had finished by December 1st, and managed to do 100% online. Amazon is your friend, you said!” Mark replied.

Mark grinned in his irrepressible way, and said “Just because I was checking social media, texting, and running a meeting doesn’t mean I didn’t hear you say that last week.”

“Damn smart ass. But is it really important to be there? Can’t I just handle it by phone or online?” I asked, knowing full well that Jim Smithfield is one of those old fashioned ‘gotta be in person, gotta look the other man in the eye’ kind of old school guys. You don’t get the nickname ‘Big Jim’ if you’re a skinny jean, frappuccino drinking new-age guy.

“Suzie’s got your travel itinerary. She got you the last seat on the 8:00am flight tomorrow. She booked you a hotel, but it can be cancelled. I know you prefer something out in the country, maybe a camp or something where you can hike. We figured you’d want to find something on your own. It’s their slow season with Christmas a week away; just find what you like. Maybe get some sun.” Mark reasoned.

I went to see Suzie, knowing what Mark knew. I couldn’t argue with his cute wife and business manager.

“Hey Jack! What a smart man! You got a free vacation! Now I want to see you with a tan when you come back!”

“Sure,” I said, “I’m really looking forward to working in a cracker box hotel, eating crappy food, and working all night.”

“No, it’s not going to be like that. I spoke with Jim and told him that everything would work out great. Guys like Big Jim can’t resist listening to a woman like me. I have a feeling he’ll never even call you. Most people would be excited about a trip to South Florida in December. I expect you to find a great place to stay and have an adventure. I want to hear all about it when you return. OH, by the way, I almost forgot! You’re flying back next Saturday morning and coming to our Christmas party Saturday night. You’re going to meet Mark’s older sister, Mary.” Suzie said breathlessly.

“Fuck,” I thought. Mark and Suzie have been trying to fix me up with Mary for months now. I’m sure she doesn’t want to meet me either. She’s a lot older than Mark, but still a lot younger than me. The last thing I want is to have a relationship with the bosses sister.

Beaten down by Suzie’s persistent perkiness, I just said, “Great. Can’t wait to come and I’ll bring some wine. I hope you’re right about tesettürlü escort the project because I can’t charm Jim the way you will.”

Upon entering the plane, I realized that the MD-80 only had 2 seats on my side. Unfortunately, I had the window seat, which I didn’t care for. I preferred the little bit of extra room the aisle seat afforded my long legs. As I sat and watched the other passengers approach my row, I anxiously watched those that I’d hate to have sit next to me. There was the woman carrying a young child, a chubby man sweating profusely and the equally chubby woman pulling an oversized carry-on.

Fortunately, they passed me by. My attention must have waned as I was surprised when an attractive woman dropped her purse into the seat, and said “Looks like we’re travel mates,” and hoisted her small carry-on into the overhead bin. I didn’t even have time to offer to stow it for her.

She sat down and stuck out a hand. “Hey. I’m Liz! Are you traveling for work or pleasure? I’m going to my favorite place in the world for a few days of relaxation and adventure.” She said, rapid-fire. Her high energy and boundless cheerfulness reminded me of Suzie.

I told her I was going for business, but hoped to get a little free time too.

“Great! Where are you staying?” she asked. “Well, I’m not sure…” I replied. Pulling out my itinerary, I said, “I’ve got a reservation at a Holiday Inn Express, but I’m looking for something else, if I can find it.”

“Let me see,” she said, ripping the paper out of my hand. “Oh, you don’t want to stay in one of those places for even a single night. There are better places to stay. Hey, you know what?” she asked.

“Ummm. What?” I responded, a little taken back by her high energy.

“You should stay at the place I’m staying. It’s not a crappy vanilla hotel, they have cabins and a great pool, a nice indoor and small outdoor dining area. They also have a volleyball court and even hiking trails if that’s your thing. It’s an absolutely great place to tan and it looks like you haven’t been in the sun in a while.”

“Well I don’t know…” I stammered. What the hell was it with everyone and me getting a tan? I was an IT guy, I had earned my pallor!

“It’s settled. I’ll call them when we land to make sure there’s a cabin for you. You’ll love it!”

Once again, I was reminded why I was not married. I could easily get manipulated, and always felt a little controlled by women.

After landing, she immediately switched her phone back on and called the place. She excitedly told me they had a room for me.

I thanked her, and helped her by getting down her carry on. “Wow! That’s light. You must have checked a bag too?” I said.

“Nope, that’s it. I’m not really going anywhere outside of the grounds. I didn’t even bring make-up, just some sunscreen.” she said while smiling.

There was something about her smile that was intriguing, was she flirting with me?

“Do you know where the car rentals are? Let’s see. I’ve got to find the Budget Rent-a-car desk,” I said, looking at my itinerary.

“It’s right over there to the right. My Uber will pick me up right outside their office.” she replied me.

“Uber? Why don’t I give you a ride? I haven’t been there before, and you know where we’re going.” I offered.

“You don’t mind? I know I can be a little overwhelming sometimes, I won’t wear out my welcome with you?” she asked, laughing as she said it.

“No, I sorta need a social director sometimes. I’m an introvert and tend to keep to myself and rarely socialize with anyone when I travel. Maybe I can buy you dinner one night?” I blurted out, surprising myself.

“Why Jack! Are you hitting on me? You don’t sound like an introvert to me! That’s not allowed where we’re going! No one hides in their room there. Oh and yes, I do want to have dinner with you!” She replied all in one breath, resting her hand on my arm.

I wondered if she noticed the electric effect that touch caused? The hairs on that arm were standing straight up and to be honest I felt my cock jump. I hoped she didn’t notice. I glanced over at her and she was smiling with the most mischievous look in her eyes.

While filling out the paperwork at the Budget desk, the clerk asked where we were going and if we needed directions. Liz told her we were going to The Grove, but she knew how to get there. The clerk asked “Oh? Is this a romantic getaway?”

“No, no,” I replied quickly. “I’m on a business trip and we just met.”

The clerk blushed, and said, “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything…”

“That’s OK,” I cut her off, “I met Liz on the plane and she talked me into staying there. She said it was her favorite place in the world. I’m here for business but I hope to enjoy myself during my free time.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will,” said the smiling clerk while handing me the keys and rental agreement.

Despite her assertion she had been to The Grove multiple times before, Liz opened Waze on her phone. She told me where to go and said ümraniye eskort we should be there in 30 minutes.

We filled the time talking about ourselves, where we were from, and what we did. Liz was a hometown girl, if you could call Seattle a town, came from a small family, had one brother, was divorced with no children. I told her that I was from the midwest, had no siblings, and that my parents had passed away. I told her that my workmates were my family, and I was fortunate to work for a family owned business that paid and treated me very well.

Liz continued to read me the Waze directions, but seemed less bubbly that she had in the plane. She seemed a little tentative. Had I offended her somehow?

“Um, Jack, I need to tell you something. The Grove isn’t a regular hotel. I should have told you earlier but I really think you’ll like it…” she stammered.

“What?” I asked, “It’s not some type of religious retreat is it? I’m not exactly the religious type.”

Liz started laughing hard, so hard she ended up wiping tears from her eyes. “No it’s definitely not a religious retreat. Well it does worship nature in it’s own way. It’s a naturist resort.”

“A naturist resort? What does that mean? Is it some type of nature preserve?” I asked, not really realizing that I’d heard the term naturist before.

“No silly. It’s an adult nudist resort. You won’t be wearing any clothes. Well it’s really clothing optional but no one who goes there opts to wear clothes. Well, I don’t anyway.” she said, looking at me expectantly. Waiting for a reply that didn’t come, she burst out laughing. “You should see your face. It’s priceless.”

Although I’m not a big talker I’m rarely speechless, but at that moment I was completely dumbfounded. I imagined myself pale and hairy walking down a hallway surrounded by and judged by dozens of people who were, oddly enough, dressed in formal gowns and tuxedos and wearing masks. The daydream then morphed into Liz and I walking naked hand in hand but still in the same hallway, still being critiqued by the same people. I imagined Liz with perky tits, her body covered lightly with a spray of freckles matching a light patch of red hair above her pussy. I suddenly realized that I was driving down the interstate in a complete fugue state, sporting a raging hard-on that had to be obvious to Liz.

After what felt like minutes but was really only a few seconds, I blurted out “Liz! I don’t know what to say. You should have told me… But… But I do really want to go!”

“Yeah, I can tell.” Liz said, obviously glancing down at my crotch.

Things got really quiet as I considered what I’d just agreed to. I’m not a young guy and although I worked out regularly, I’m not exactly a bodybuilder.

Liz once again placed a hand on my thigh, and said “Take a deep breath. You’re gonna be surprised by the range of people and bodies there. We’re not all models there.”

I have a strange reaction in stressful situations. Instead of getting nervous and loud, my heart actually slows down and I remain calm. I become more analytical, and plan my words and actions carefully.

“Do we have to undress before we enter? Where do I carry my credit card? Will the lobby be filled with nude people?” Smiling, I asked, “and do you have freckles?”

It was now her turn to be dumbfounded. She was laughing at my nervous questions until I threw in the one about freckles. Regaining her composure, she replied, “All of those questions will be answered in due time. But I will tell you that you don’t have to be naked when you check in. Check-in is in the building facing the parking lot. After checking in, you get a code to drive through the security arm to the cabin area. The individual cabins each have their own parking.

We arrived at The Grove, which was a fairly nondescript building with a drive to the right and a high wooden security fence beginning behind the check-in building.

The young lady checking us in said, “Hi Liz it’s great to see you again! Is this your friend you called about?”

Liz gave her a hug and said, “Yeah Chris, we met on the plane. He kept hitting on me so I had no choice but to bring him here.”

“Uh, that’s not exactly accurate…” I started to say, but Chris gave me a saucy smile and said “We know how to handle his kind here.” and then started laughing.

“I know this is your first time here, and it can be a little nerve racking. Just strip, walk around like you’ve been here before, and pretty soon you’ll ALMOST forget you’re naked.” Another couple entered the check-in building so Chris finished up and became more business-like. “We have old fashioned keys here. Here’s yours Liz 13A, and ummm, Jack is it? You’re in 13B. There’s a stretch band attached to the key since you may not have pockets all the time.” she said, winking at me. “I hope to see more of you later.”

Was that a double-entendre? And what’s this with 13A and B. Were we in adjoining rooms?

Once parked and standing at our adjacent doors, I explained that I had to call Big Jim escort şişli to see what was going on, and that I may have to leave to go to their office. Liz seemed a little skeptical but said OK, she was going to shower and then lay out at the pool.

Upon entering my room, I did note that there was a connecting door to Liz’s room. Our “cabin” was actually a free-standing duplex. I considered taking a shower too, but upon entering the bathroom I found no tub or shower: Just a toilet and sink.

I found Jim’s phone number in my contacts, and gave him a call to find out more about his problems. “Wow Jack. I can’t believe they actually sent you. I must have made quite an impression on Mark. He and Jacob have been on the phone with us all day today and we’re making real progress. Let’s touch base again tomorrow morning and we’ll figure out our next steps. I’ll be out of the office tomorrow afternoon.” Jim explained. “I hope this won’t end up being a wasted trip, and right before Christmas.”

“Oh this won’t be a wasted trip” I said. “I think I’ll find something interesting to do here. Mark is putting one of our best on the project with Jacob. He’s technically proficient, and is beginning to understand the construction industry.”

“Thanks Jack. “I’ll see you soon.” he said, ringing off.

I packed all of my clothes into the dresser, set up my laptop on the desk, tested the Internet signal, and sent an update to Mark. Surprisingly Mark replied almost at once and explained that he and Jacob had a good handle on the problems that Big Jim was having. He closed by saying to have a good time as it looks like I wouldn’t have to put in too much time working on the project.

I was still sitting at my laptop when I heard a knock at the back door. I got up, looked for a missing peep-hole, and just opened the door a crack instead. Well, Liz stood there, looking a little peeved and asked “Are you hiding in there all day? The weather is beautiful, and so am I!”

I opened the door the rest of the way, and there stood Liz, fully naked. For the second time today I was speechless! She was gorgeous. She was dripping wet, her hair slicked back, great tits, with darker nipples than I would have guessed which were standing at attention. She wasn’t skinny but full figured in a good way with real curves. She had a small patch of red-blond hair just above her pussy.

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “You DO have freckles!”

She punched me in the arm, harder than I would have thought, and said, “Well, I just have to guess about you since you’re still in your civvies!”

“I told you I had work to do. It appears that everything is OK so I guess I’ll have to join you in a little while.” I said, edging back into the room. Something in the back of my mind flashed to George Clooney in the movie, “Perfect Storm”. At the end of the flick faced with trying to save his life by abandoning ship, he returned to his sinking ship. He just couldn’t overcome his fear.

“Bullshit Jack. Either take those clothes off or I’m going to do it for you. I’m smaller than you but I have a feeling I’m tougher. Besides, who knows you here? This is an adventure you’re having. You just don’t quit an adventure.” Liz said in an exasperated tone.

Lowering my eyes in shame I kicked off my shoes, and started unbuckling my pants. Feeling a little on display and trying to hide my hard-again cock, I turned around.

“Oh good. I get to check out your ass first.” Liz deadpanned.

I closed my eyes and undressed. When fully naked I heard Liz’s wolf whistle followed by her teasing statement, “Turnaround big boy.”

Looking down at my hard cock I reluctantly turned around. “Now you see why I can’t go out there. I need to get used to the idea of being naked around other naked people before I go out.”

“Carry your towel in front of you, kinda draped over it. We’ll go to the showers and maybe the cold water will calm you down. By the way, nice cock.” she said.

Walking out the door was nerve-wracking but I did it and followed Liz to the showers. There was a bathhouse with an open shower area with a half dozen shower heads. I jumped when the cold water hit me in the chest but hoped it would do the trick. In a few minutes my cock had returned to a near normal state.

I told Liz I was as ready as I would get but not to flirt with me as I feared a simple glance at her body would excite me again.

We walked out, me still holding the towel in front of me and she asked “Do you want to swim or sunbathe? I’m ready for whatever you want!” she said suggestively. I looked at her and said “You’re killing me, you know.”

I opted for swimming since my cock would be hidden underwater. Liz knew exactly what I was doing and teased me for my modesty.

We were in the water for at least 15 minutes when Liz said it was time to get out, dry off, and sunbathe. “It’s time to man up Jack. You’ll really enjoy it.”

So I climbed out, dried off, and picked a chaise lounge next to Liz. I began noticing the other people there, mostly couples, some old, some relatively young. There were some fat folks, a few skinny. I did note that nearly everyone was shaved down below other than me. Finally getting used to being nude and being around other nudists, I smelled grilled hamburgers and realized I was famished. “Can I buy you lunch?”

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